Indoor Gardening Academy

Learn To Grow Your Organic Food All-year-round
Indoor Gardening Academy is a fully comprehensive online program that teaches new and experienced gardeners alike how to confidently grow fresh organic food in abundance indoors (without having to worry about money, time or the space to be successful).

Before I tell you all about this transformational program, let me tell you who this is for...
You're an aspiring or experienced gardener who is ready to make a major shift by growing fresh food indoors that is free of pesticides, because you know it’s best for you. You want to be able to harvest all-year-round, indoors and maybe even out, regardless of the weather, and understand you need to produce your own seedlings and healthy plants to do so.
Whether you...
feel so overwhelmed by the number of indoor garden options,
are scared of making all the mistakes in the book once you start growing food.
have tried doing indoor gardening, it failed and now you feel like you’re a plant killer. You don’t know what you did wrong and have no idea how to fix the problems.
want your kids to know where their food comes from and would love to have a fun, educational activity with your family.
are dreaming of having some gardening therapy in your life.
wish there was an easy-to-follow path to grow an abundance of food successfully.
You're in the right place, and I'm going to tell you how Indoor Gardening Academy is going to give you the tools, proven pathway, confidence and continuous support you need on your journey to become an all-year-round gardener that will impact other neighbours, family and friends.
By the end of this program, you will have...
Designed, built and installed the best indoor garden
for your needs, space and budget so that you do not waste money on the wrong piece of equipment, you maximise your production of food in a compact space and you can scale up your indoor garden if your needs change over the years.
Designed your own all-year-round planting calendar
so you can plant and harvest way outside the typical gardening seasons and have it tailored to your gardening goals and your family's needs.
Selected your seeds for the entire year
based on sustainability principles and will have a seed storage and database so you don't ever get lost as for which seeds you have left and what you need to purchase.
Learned a step-by-step method to plant seeds for maximum growth
and you will know when and how to fertilize, repot and water your plants. You will also know how to propagate fresh herbs from cuttings.
Know how to prevent problems
such as insects, disease and fungus, weak plants and stalled growth, and those related to weathering seedlings. You will implement prevention and organic remediation and strengthening techniques.
Indoor Gardening Academy Changes Lives
and it's OPEN for Enrollment
(Get in and take action to finally start growing your own food indoors!)

Manon Bélanger
Before I met Hélène, I felt a little bored and lost. I didn't know exactly what to do with my first garden. There's so much information on the internet, I felt lost. It's like you are my mentor Hélène. Your instructions are simple in French and in English. You made gardening much, much easier for me. Now, I have 4 different gardens: one indoor, one on the balcony, one on the ground and one is a raised bed. They are small but productive.

Diane Melanson
I was never certain about how to proceed before I took IGA,. I thought my new found hobby might not fit with our plans for the back yard. What I liked the most was the clear and complete information on various aspects. The handouts were excellent. I feel much more confident now. I had never done much in the way of growing seedlings. Since taking this course, I have been successful with many varieties/vegetables.

Stephanie Sewell
I was a very enthusiastic but not very skilled gardener, and I put a lot of hours to trying to make things grow both inside and out with very little success. I find that Hélène is a very organized and clear teacher. The material that she presents is very relevant to my needs and experience. She is very responsive to the questions from students, and she goes the extra mile to find a detailed response. She takes the time to really research the topic. I’m having much more success with my vegetable growing attempts. I’m grateful that I have resources to access to answer questions that come up. I’m able to access her and I’m very grateful for that.

Rebecca Overall & Chad Yach
We loved the interactions with other gardeners on the journey and Helene's very genuine passion for the subject which came across every time her hands touched the soil or she smelled and nibbled on a fresh herb while doing her demonstrations. So hands on despite being at a distance! Like my plants, I'm growing every day! I'm less intimidated by occasional gardening errors. I even revived a few plants that looked like they were on their last legs by using Helene's tips and tricks. Within days we were all on an upward curve again. We are entering spring and the outdoor planting season with at least 100 plants, herbs and seedlings ready to go into the earth! I mean, what?? This is insane! And that doesn't include the seeds we will direct sow!

Kim Carscadden
Before the course I previously did plant a small summer garden outdoors but purchased my plants from a garden nursery. I did try planting from seed indoors before the course but my success rate wasn't great and my plants were usually too thin and toppled over use. The idea of being able to start my own seedlings indoors really appealed to me and also to have some plants (especially herbs) indoors all-year-round was exciting!! I really enjoyed Helene's teaching technique of one session of teaching a topic following by a separate session of a live Q&A. I believe the group gained so much during the Q&A. I feel more confident about being able to produce seedlings and plant them outdoors. I also feel I have the knowledge to troubleshoot some of the problems that happen

Mona Gregori
Before taking Indoor Gardening Academy, I had spent one season working for a market gardener, a few years working on vegetable gardens and did ecological landscaping for 9 years. I took this course to give me theoretical and practical tools to allow me to set up an indoor gardening system. What I liked the most was the clarity, simplicity and organization that allows you to get started while following the program. It demystifies the questions and allows you to take action! Now I feel more confident! I am willing to do trial and error. I have about ten trays filled with plants and I feel launched to continue the experience year-after-year. Thank you very much Hélène for sharing your passion with such enthusiasm and generosity!
My Academy Alumni Are Now Growing
Organic Food With Confidence
You Have What It Takes To Follow Your Dreams
If you've been struggling to start growing food indoors because you have no idea what equipment you need, or you tried, it didn’t work, so now you feel like a plant killer, you’re in the right place! You are so confused as for when to plant seeds indoors if you want to grow food all-year-round? I've got your back! After almost a decade growing organic food indoors and designing my own indoor gardens, I know how to design and build an indoor garden that can produce a lot of food, fit in your space and your budget. I’m going to break all the steps for you in this course, and we will design together your own custom-made planting calendar.
The Academy is for you if:
You've been dreaming of growing your own organic food indoors in soil but are afraid to take the first step.
You want to harvest food indoors any time of the year.
You want to grow your own seedlings to produce more food in your outdoor garden all-year-round to boost production by A LOT.
You feel overwhelmed by the indoor garden options online, which seem very pricy and confusing.
You have no idea what equipment you need and don't want to waste money on the wrong equipment.
You feel discouraged by your past indoor gardening experiences and don’t know what went wrong.
You want to invite nature into your space and be proud of the abundance of food YOU could grow in it.
You're ready to start making amazing memories and enjoy gardening therapy.
If you see yourself in this, then sign up for the Indoor Gardening Academy!
From designing your own indoor garden and your planting calendar for all-year-round gardening, to selecting your seeds, learning the techniques to plant them for maximum growth AND how to prevent nasty problems like bugs and diseases, we see it all in Indoor Gardening Academy!
Short, fast and high impact trainings to help you go from overwhelmed and unsure to confident and excited to start growing your own organic food indoors.
Live Q&A
I'll answer your questions and help you work through your design using my engineering and gardening experience. The Live Q&A are recorded too, so you don't have to stress about missing a session. You can always catch up. The Q&A are twice a month over a 3-month period.
Loads of PDFs
Each modules has several PDFs you can download to speed up your learning so you get to have beautiful crops growing indoors more quickly.

Meet Your Instructor
Hélène Hébert was an award-winning research scientist, inventor and professional engineer in the nuclear industry for over a decade. She left this career when she moved to a First Nation reserve, where she completely fell in love with food security. This is where she began designing her own indoor gardens, growing her organic food, and researching all-year-round gardening. Her researcher skills are put to good use when selecting the right approach for her clients' gardens. She teaches complex concepts in simple ways so that gardening becomes enjoyable for all her clients and students, regardless of their level of knowledge and experience.
Hélène is the creator of the Indoor Gardening Academy, a fully comprehensive online program that teaches new and experienced gardeners alike how to confidently grow fresh organic food in abundance indoors (without having to worry about money, time, or the space to be successful). Within Indoor Gardening Academy, Hélène breaks down the key decisions that all gardeners should make to get started with indoor gardening. These decisions are presented in short, high-impact and fun lessons so you can finally move forward with confidence and start growing your organic food at home!